Meet The O-Chairs!

L-A-S-S-O-N-D-E LASSONDE LET’S GO Hello Lassonde! Welcome to Lassonde’s Orientation Week, also known as WeekZero. We, Allen and Ginelle, are your O-Chairs for this upcoming frosh week, and we are super excited to introduce you folks to the Lassonde and York Community. The WeekZero Team this year has planned a week full of online and virtual events for you to get to know Lassonde, make new friends, and meet your professors. Make sure to buy your frosh kit to have access to events and if you purchase a tier 1 ticket, you will receive a swag bag full of goodies! We hope to see all of you at WeekZero! From your favorite Orientation Chairs, Allen and Ginelle!!

Allen Kaplan


Ginelle Aziz
